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Mike Moran - Sarasota County Tax Collector
  • Welcome to your 24-Hour Service Center
  • Welcome to your 24-Hour Service Center.

Property Taxes are Delinquent April 1st

To avoid a 3% delinquent penalty, property taxes must be paid or postmarked by March 31st. There are a variety of payment options available. If you pay online, you can print a paid receipt immediately.

REAL ID License or ID Card

The countdown is on! Starting May 7, 2025, Florida residents planning to use their driver's license or ID Card to board a federally regulated domestic flight must have a REAL ID compliant card with a gold star. More information at If you do not already have a gold star, or if you have one but your information has changed, visit to learn what you need to bring to update your card. When you have all your documents, schedule your appointment online.

Get Ready for Your Road Test

Do you have a road test appointment soon? We want to make sure you are ready for your test and have all the tools you need to pass! Take a moment to view these helpful videos on certain driving maneuvers you will be required to complete. Thank you to our friends at the Manatee County Tax Collector's Office for creating these helpful videos!

Appointments for Services

Appointments are recommended for all services and can be scheduled online. Appointments are required for the Road or Written Test, Concealed Weapon License, and any service in the North Port Office. (If you live outside of Sarasota County, please visit your local Tax Collector or contact for residency requirement exceptions.) 

Having trouble making your payment online or need assistance with something else? Call 941.861.8300 or email

Connect With Us
Phone 941.861.8300 Email Schedule An Appointment Schedule An Appointment Phone SarasotaTaxCollector
Downtown Sarasota
   Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00
   Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00
   Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00
North Port
   Appointment Required