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Mike Moran - Sarasota County Tax Collector
All offices are closed Mon., Jan. 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
We are hiring & looking for enthusiastic, kind and professional individuals to join our team. Visit our Employment page for more information.

FL Number

Each registered vessel is assigned a registration number. This number, commonly called "FL number", is permanent and remains with the vessel as long as it is operated or stored in Florida, even though the ownership may change.

The FL Number

  • in its entirety is to be painted or permanently attachedFL Number example to both sides of the bow
  • must be in block letters and numerals at least three inches high
  • must read from left to right
  • must contrast in color with the hull
  • must have the prefix and suffix separated from the numerals by a space equal to the width of the digits
  • must be maintained in a legible condition
All offices are closed Mon., Jan. 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
We are hiring & looking for enthusiastic, kind and professional individuals to join our team. Visit our Employment page for more information.